News – Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate

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Below you’ll find links to additional information about the real estate industry and our job.
It’s a love thing.


Season´s Greetings

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden,
liebe Geschäftspartner,

in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten füreinander da zu sein gilt für unser Privatleben – und auch für Sie. Wir blicken mit Zuversicht in das neue Jahr, weil wir davon überzeugt sind, dass wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen alles schaffen können. Wir danken für Ihr Vertrauen, das Sie uns auch in herausfordernden Zeiten entgegengebracht haben und sind auch 2023 mit unserem ganzen Einsatz und unserer Expertise für Sie da.

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr wünscht Ihnen
Ihr Team von Elisabeth Rohr


IMMY 2021

Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate freut sich über den 9. IMMY Award!
Diesmal wurde der Schwerpunkt auf die Vermittlung von Mietwohnungen gelegt, auf die unser Unternehmen hoch spezialisiert ist. Ein besonderer Dank gilt unseren Vermietern, dass wir mit Ihren Immobilien glänzen können!

© Roland Rudolph


Unsere neueste Immobilie in den Schlossseiten!

Lesen Sie Hier den Artikel aus den Schlossseiten !


Immobilienball 2022

Die Präsidentschaftswahl in unserem europäischen Lobbyverband CEPI steht im Juni an – der Immobilienball war wie immer der perfekte Rahmen für Fachgespräche. Aus Rücksichtnahme auf die derzeitige politische Situation haben wir uns sehr zurückgehalten und nur Präsidentschaftskandidat Jan Boruvka aus Tschechien und Adriena Litomericka aus der Slowakei eingeladen.
Unser herzlichster Dank für die Betreuung unserer VIP-Gäste gilt EP Media, Iris und Reinhard Einwaller!


Falstaff Living

Hier gehts zur Seite im Falstaff!


Neue und alte Mieter auf der Suche - Die Presse

Lesen Sie Hier den Artikel aus der Presse !


Digitalisierung | Vorreiter

Jede Immobilie wird von uns perfekt präsentiert – Kurzfilme, Profifotos und Marktanalysen rücken Ihre Immobilie ins beste Licht

Mehr darüber zu lesen gibt es im aktuellen Immobilien Magazin!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Mein Team und ich wünschen Ihnen und Ihren Liebsten frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Start in ein glückliches, gesundes und erfolgreiches Jahr 2022.


Falstaff Residences

Read here our new Article from Falstaff Residences !



Thank you to Michael Griesmayr and Andreas Köttl for inviting me to the grandiose housewarming for Tribüne 2!
The new office is the perfect place to develop new ideas and plans. It’s commendable that such a masteful revitilazation and repurposing of space in a listed building could be achieved in our lovely city!
Pictured: Elisabeth Rohr-de Wolf with Eugen Otto and Star-Architekt Martin Kohlbauer



Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate warmly congratulates the winners of the Caesar 2021!
We are proud to be part of the Caesar’s committee and thus to support the bestowal of the most coveted award in the real estate industry. There were three of us at the well-organized gala!
Pictured: Stanislaus Rohr, Elisabeth Rohr– de Wolf, Valeska Gailis, Erik Rieder
Photo credit: Helmut Tremmel/epmedia



Finally last week, Elisabeth Rohr de Wolf was able to collect the already awarded Medal of Honor for exceptional services to FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation.
Pictured: Dr. Matthias Gass, Elisabeth Rohr- de Wolf, Narek Arakelyan (FIABCI Secretary General), Eugen Otto


Falstaff Living

Read here our new Article from Falstaff Living !



Interview with Elisabeth Rohr! Click here to read the full interview.

Click here to read the full interview.


IMMY 2020

Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate is celebrating its 8th IMMY, the prize for quality awarded by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce’s Expert Group for Real Estate and Asset Trustees.
You want to sell or rent out your property? We’d be delighted to tailor an offer just for you!
Click here for more about IMMY..



In an interview with Die Presse, broker Elisabeth Rohr-de Wolf, describes the ins and outs of selling real estate in Vienna’s 1st district, what makes it so unique, and gives her view of the latest trends.

Click here to read the article by Sabine Mezler-Andelberg.


Broker Ranking

Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate e.U. is once again one of the top ranked brokers in Immobilienmagazin’s annual ranking.

Elisabeth Rohr-de Wolf: “Thank you to our fantastic clients! We are particularly proud that our success is due almost exclusively to our private clients who have engaged us as specialists for bespoke services!”

Click here to read more about our ranking in the broker ranking category (in German).


Luxury for Rent

In an interview with DiePresse, Elisabeth Rohr-de Wolf addressed the challenges landlords in the luxury segment of the market currently face.

Click here to read the full article from 30 April 2021 (in German).


Districts on the Rise


ÖVI Hosts Top-Level International Meeting of Real Estate Professionals

Last week the ÖVI hosted a high-ranking visit by CEPI, FIABCI, and NAR:

Vice President Elisabeth Rohr-de Wolf, who is in charge of international affairs, put together a two-day program for the 20 guests



What a day! Wheels-up for Brussels at 7 a.m. to attend CEPI’s first board meeting where I was re-elected secretary general for another three years.

Twelve hours later in Vienna, I received an Immy, the most prestigious award in the industry, for excellent client service. Commitment, engagement, and hard work pay dividends!

Many thanks to CEPI, Vienna’s Chamber of Commerce, and our clients!


The most spectacular luxury real estate in Vienna

A PULS4 TV article reports in the magazine Café Puls about the most spectacular luxury real estate in Vienna on the basis of the residential projects Börsenplatz 1 and The Ambassy (briefly presented by owner representative Elisabeth Rohr).
Due to its location and its 2000 square meters of living space, the most expensive apartment costs 40 million euros.

Here you can watch the full report


Supporter of the Österreichische Schulsporthilfe

We are pleased to support the Amerling Gymnasium GRG Wien 6 as part of the Österreichische Schulsporthilfe (Austrian School Sports Aid) in the acquisition of new sports and play equipment for an active design of the breaks and the afternoon care.


CEPI meets to discuss priorities in Vienna

CEPI hosted a high-level meeting of presidents and CEOs from its member associations to discuss current priorities at national and European level. The meeting was held in Vienna from 28 February to 1 March.

CEPI was pleased to welcome international guests Christel Silver from the National Association of Realtors, Assen Makedonov, world president of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI), and Ramon Riera Torroba, president of FIABCI European Region and FIABCI-Spain, who all gave interesting presentations based on a US and international perspective.

The two days of meetings were followed by the prestigious Real Estate Ball 2019 at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, a highlight of the real estate calendar. Thanks are due to CEPI’s Austrian member associations OVI and FIV for taking the lead in organizing the meetings and events.


Vienna hosts CEPI, FIABCI & NAR

In the context of ÖVI’s and the Chamber of Commerce’s CEPI High Level Summit – mainly initiated by CEPI General Secretary Elisabeth Rohr – FIABCI World President Assen Makedonov concludes in an interview with the real estate magazine immoflash, that the UK investment market is currently not suffering from the tug-of-war between Britain and the EU.

Read more in the article by Charles Steiner.


FindMyHome Quality Realtors 2018

We are pleased to say we have been repeatedly awarded as FindMyHome Quality Realtors! is one of the top real estate platforms in Austria aiming to offer users a free, simple and high-quality property search through a transparent rating system as well as annual quality controls and awards.



… we did it again! On 30 January 2019, Elisabeth Rohr Real Estate was once again awarded the silver IMMY 2018 for outstanding customer service and our contribution to the real estate industry. We’re proud to say that this is the sixth time we’ve won silver or gold … and that never gets old!

“This award means a great deal to us because exceptional client service is the core of our business, there’s no greater sense of achievement than a satisfied client, especially a newcomer in a foreign city who is completely reliant on the information and service we can provide.” – Elisabeth Rohr

The IMMY is the Viennese Chamber of Commerce quality award for real estate professionals where the quality of the service is assessed based on Mystery Shoppings.



That was a great start to 2018! Since 2006, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce has been awarding the IMMY quality prize for Viennese real estate agents based on Mystery Shoppings. We’re proud to say that on 30 January 2018, we were awarded the GOLDEN IMMY 2017 for our quality and client-oriented service.

Copyright: Roland Rudolph